
Vernon Francis is the founder and lead contributor at American Divide.  Vernon is a retired homeland security executive with more than 30 years in federal law enforcement.  Prior to his retirement in 2012, he provided oversight of intelligence collection, analysis and dissemination and the development and implementation of investigations focusing on all priorities of the U.S. Homeland Security Investigations’ Gulf Coast region headquartered in New Orleans, LA.  It is through that 30-year lens that Vernon views who we are as Americans.  His concern that every American have access to raw information to inform their analysis of our political and social environment is the driving force behind American Divide.

Born in rural south Louisiana, Vernon understands the challenges of navigating the landscape of American society by those who begin that journey with few resources.  He credits his experiences growing up in a segregated Louisiana as the motivation to reach for more.  Despite the abundance of opportunity today, Vernon believes that the challenges for many are now greater because of the political, social and economic divide in America.  As a result too many are distanced from realizing the fruits of what we call the American dream.  That belief formed the motivation for American Divide.  Vernon’s  journey continues.