The gig is up. Literally people, the gig’s up. The party was over; the band was done and they were breaking down their equipment when the shots rang out. In the end, Chris Ardoin, band leader of NuStep Zydeco is shot and rushed to the hospital. It would be the next morning before he would return home to his wife and children.
The gig is also up on America’s misplaced romance with the 2nd Amendment. Make no mistake, there are entirely too many guns in the hands of irresponsible people. Too many of us fall for the BS that people like Congressman Clay Higgins spouts about “rights and freedoms” to carry guns. Especially when it comes to concealed carry without a permit.
We all walk around claiming to be “woke” but we won’t wake up and take a firm stance on gun control. We have to lean on our people in Congress to serve us; to protect us. All of us can write our senators and congressional representatives to voice our concern about risking the lives of fathers and sons and the lives of mothers and daughters to gun violence. Each of us can vote those people out of office if they don’t protect us.
Folks get guns (both legally and illegally) and then don’t get the necessary training to hold one in their hand. Then the same people are all too quick to demonize the police for the same feckless behavior. We’ve got to get our act together on this issue. We have to educate each other on being responsible when it comes to guns. We have just as much at stake as the politicians and police officers.
It’s simple. If you can’t negotiate a compromise when you have been wronged, you have no business with a gun. If you can’t hit your intended target, you have no business with a gun. If you don’t have the balls to stand toe-to-toe and look the person you want to shoot in the eye while pulling the trigger, you have no business with a gun. Injuries and death from “stray bullets” is senseless. We can and should do better.
Time to man up y’all. If we don’t, the gig will also be up on the shows that artists like Chris Ardoin Ardoin brings to you. Think for a second. What do you think will happen if this foolishness continues?
It’s not unlikely that shootings like this would draw more police attention to events where there are large crowds and alcohol. Believe me, this is not what you want. What do you think will follow?
It is also likely that the need for increased security will cause some people promoting these gigs to scale back because of increased cost. That means fewer opportunities to enjoy live music. That could also mean that your cost to attend could increase when bands have to provide their own security.
Artists like Chris Ardoin are always pulling someone up with them. In this case, Chris had a young rub board player on stage with him for the first time. That young man was excited to play with NuStep Zydeco. He was also within arms reach when Chris was shot. Should this type of foolishness cause us to miss out on the next generation of artists?
All I’m saying people is “. . . don’t shoot yourself in the foot” – PUN INTENDED.